Monday, May 18, 2009

Goodness Remains

Goodness is here, now, today in unending abundance. Open your heart and know it.

Much of the world's pain arises from the failure to fully appreciate life's goodness. Yet goodness will always outlive the pain.

Peacefully let go of fear and anger, resentment and anxiety. Goodness remains.

Feel the longing for goodness that lives always within you. Let it drive your thoughts and actions, and you'll create more of the very goodness you seek.

Focus on those parts of your life that resonate with your deepest purpose. See the true beauty that is alive and growing in your world.

Hold life's goodness securely in your heart. Move forward with confidence, knowing it is always there.

-- Ralph Marston

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet and very positive inspiring post.
    Thank You :)
